The matchstick overload test
Stress-related mental disorders can be roughly divided into two categories: on the one hand too much energy, such as restlessness, and on the other hand too little Energy, as with exhaustion. Mental disorders often follow a negative trend, ranging from unnoticed overactivity to less and less activity. A burnout can go through all facets of this development up to exhaustion depression. Triggers or crises can accelerate the process. The path back to a natural balance becomes longer and longer.
This simple Streicholz test can be used as an initial indication to help affected people find out whether they may have a mental disorder. It was originally developed specifically as a burnout test, but can also be used as a visual indicator for other stress-related mental disorders, such as long-term stress. Prof. Dr. Cindy Muir from the Mendoza College of Business at Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) has developed the visual test developed. In direct comparison with the most frequently used, much more complex burnout scales, such as the Maslach Burnout Measure or the Oldenburg Job Burnout Inventory, it has been shown to perform well and in some cases has even demonstrated higher validity than the existing scales.
The intuitive test works as follows: Choose the match that matches your Overall condition of the past weeks and months.
On the far left of the intact match you will find the natural basic state of health. On the far right of the tenth matchstick is the almost completely charred matchstick, which represents severe exhaustion depression. As long as the person affected is still able to normalize their inner space through relaxation measures such as vacations, weekends off, sport, yoga, work reduction, good conversations and meditation and can find their way out of their stressful confinement over long periods of time, the disorder is still relatively close to the surface and can be positively influenced with comparatively little effort and can often be resolved independently with good self-care (sticks 2 - 4).
Beyond a surface solution
At the latest with an inner state from wood no. 5, the person should professional help search. The intensity of the mental disorder is already considerable. Patches are often no longer enough and the autopilot of thoughts and programs has long since become part of a vicious circle. More analysis, reactive action or constant distraction are no longer good solutions.
At this point, we recommend professional support comparable to careful gardening. During the FlowKur, we look at what the disorder is and explore together the foundations of a feasible change. From a certain point of the mental disorder, drug therapy, medical-psychiatric help and a stay in hospital lasting several weeks should also be considered.
Even though this test, just like other standard tests, is of course only a first signpost it can be useful to realize that you have a mental health problem and need professional help. If you are still unsure, we also offer you a non-binding consultation to. Your statements will of course be treated confidentially at 100%.
Important note: As painful as the course of a mental disorder can be, it always includes a Opportunitynamely a high willingness for inner and outer change. If it is sustainable, it even leads to greater awareness and quality of life than was the case before the disruption. It is worth taking advantage of this opportunity.