The FlowKur offer appeals to you, but you are worried that it might not be practical enough for your situation, possibly too short or not applicable in everyday life? At first glance, this is completely understandable. We don't want to convince you otherwise, because every individual path is unique. However, we invite you to take a second look, namely to spend a trial day at the HumanFlow Institute. Your own experience can often say more than 1000 words.
How it works.
Step 1. You choose an appointment during the regular FlowKur appointments and reserve your test day by phone or via the Contact form.
Step 2. You visit us in Badenweiler. It starts at 9 am with a meditation, followed by a one-to-one session to get to know each other (approx. 60 min + home impulse). Later in the day you will receive a massage. A delicious vegetarian lunch follows at midday. And at the end you will receive a small surprise gift. The trial day ends at 18:30 with a yin yoga class. In the free time during the day, you are invited to read with us, take a walk in the park or forest or simply be here without any particular plan.
By the way, if you choose the trial day on the first day of a regular FlowKur, you can stay on site for 1-2 weeks afterwards for the complete FlowKur if you liked it and we still have a free place.
Do you still have questions about the FlowKur? Then send us a non-binding contact request and we will advise you individually. Alternatively, you can also send us an e-mail or contact us by phone at any time.