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Further training as a HumanFlow Coach
Book a consultation here
Free of charge & without obligation
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Wirksam, systematisch, erprobt

1000fach erprobt in Therapie, Coaching und Trainings

Entwickelt für »Brückenbauer«

Mit 8 Prinzipien zurück sich selbst - Körper, Geist und Seele.

Achtsam & forschend

Werde Teil einer offenen Gemeinschaft von Ähnlichgesinnten.

Next start of training:
27. April, 2025
Request training
Free of charge & without obligation
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Was viele Menschen nicht wissen, die meisten psychischen Probleme und Störungen entstehen aus einem anhaltenden Getrenntsein von sich selbst. Kommt eine Person wieder in Verbindung mit sich selbst, heilen Psyche und die Lebensbatterie lädt wieder auf. Die HumanFlow Methode kann Menschen, die unter Dauerstress leiden und einen Burnout, Depression und Überlastung vermeiden wollen, helfen auf verschiedenen Wegen wieder zurück zu sich selbst zu kommen.

Die Ausbildung zum HumanFlow Coach hilft dir diese Menschen zu begleiten – achtsam, mühelos und Schritt für Schritt.

In the 9-month training program:

  • learn how to systematically promote self-knowledge and personal growth
  • learn to understand and apply the consciousness-based HF method
  • you develop professional coaching skills and how to "Building "bridges
  • you collect by practicing with other and self-awareness first practical coaching experiences
  • you can broaden your career prospects in the field of mental health.

Wir unterstützen dich dabei, deine eigenen Antworten zu finden. Du erlernst zahlreiche Techniken und Strategien, um Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre emotionalen, psychologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen besser zu bewältigen und ihr Ur-Vertrauen zu stärken.

Werde zum HumanFlow Coach: Die Coaching Methode fördert Selbstwahrnehmung, hilft Stress zu reduzieren, verbessert die emotionale Regulation, stärkt Beziehungen und unterstützt bei der Frühintervention und Prävention von Ängsten, Depressionen, Burnout und Selbstwertproblemen. Die HF-Methode ist langjährig erprobt und inspiriert zu persönlicher Entwicklung, zielt jedoch weniger auf Optimierung, sondern vielmehr auf die Verringerung von Leid und Unglück.

Explore flow, share flow - Scroll down for more information.

Next start of training:
27. April, 2025
Request training
Free of charge & without obligation

Experiences of former participants

  • "In my daily work, the Human Flow Coach training helps me to access the psyche of my patients in order to understand them better and to remind them that they are equipped with an ability that will often enable them to face the challenges of their lives with courage. As a Human Flow Coach, I see myself as a guide who may lead people out of a lost, dark path in a mountain... in my left hand a mirror to remind these people of themselves, in my right hand a torch to give them light. As Human Flow Coaches, we give light to a light."

    Seniye Selmek, child and adolescent psychiatrist
  • "The HumanFlow coach training was an enormous enrichment for me personally and professionally. Personally, because really good further training starts with the coach's personal skills. Knowing, reflecting on and managing yourself is simply part of it. Professionally, the training has made me a better coach, as I can now recognize even more possibilities and correlations and thus offer them to my coachees. My scope for thinking, feeling and acting has increased and I am very grateful for that."

    Nele Kreysik, Management Coach
  • "The training invited me on a longer learning process, a journey to myself, to my humanistic values and to more and more compassion and life energy. It has changed my perspective and laid the foundation for being able to increasingly accompany other people on their own journey. This is also a great enrichment for my work with young people."

    Elke Nevoigt, Professor, Molecular Biotechnology
  • "The training to become a Human Flow Coach is a comprehensive and very good opportunity to delve deeper into the topic of mindfulness and coaching. As an HR manager and coach, I have received and trained in many additional possibilities and can now act in a much more qualified way with the individual challenges in coaching. Angelica and Falk's excellent experience is the main reason why this training is so unique."

    Jens Thürnagel, Human Resources Director
  • "I was fascinated by the simplicity and clarity of this unique method and by the authenticity, professionalism and warmth of the trainers. This further training is a double benefit: with the 7 principles I was able to get to know - and learn to use - an ingenious tool; by dealing with this extensive material, my own process was automatically set in motion, so that many things were allowed to dissolve. The training is very practical, so that I enjoy putting it into practice. It helps me to live my heart's business: I have started a meditation group and I accompany people who are in a similar situation as I was 12 years ago, I am allowed to introduce them to these wonderful tools and guide them to use them in everyday life, so that the joy of life, of truth, of the now becomes reality!"

    Ursula Toboll, complementary therapist, kinesiologist

If you are interested in more information, please call us at +49-7634-5949773 or get in touch with us via our Contact form.

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Over a period of nine months, you will learn eight HF principles in two modules, take part in a meditation retreat in the next module and complete the training in Mental Health Process Work with a final module. Together with other participants, you will practice the practical applications throughout and develop new skills in client-centered work.

All training modules take place in Badenweiler and are supplemented by monthly Zoom meetings, readings and trial coaching sessions. The modules are designed to be flexible so that participation can be adapted even in the event of scheduling difficulties:

  • Module I: Sunday to Sunday
  • Module II: Wednesday to Sunday
  • Module III: Thursday to Sunday
  • Module IV (ritual, celebration and optional exam): Friday to Sunday

The HF system attempts to create bridges to a stable psyche. From the insights gained, the coaches also learn how to create a "fitness plan" for the psyche that is suitable for everyday use. This then serves as a systematic basis for initiating a balanced, active mental health care process for everyday life. The coach then accompanies the participants for two months or longer to support the sustainability of the practice and the independent development of the clients.

Invitation: Wenn du Interesse an der HumanFlow Coach Weiterbildung hast, kontaktiere uns gerne für ein Beratungsgespräch mit Falk. Du kannst here under the keyword "HumanFlow Coach" to book an appointment.

For more information on training, you can also visit our Download training brochure.


April 2025/26 Dates:
Module I: Sonntag, 27. April - 4. Mai, 2025. Beginn um 14:30/Ende 12:30 Uhr
Module II: Wednesday, July 23 - 27, 2025, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.
Module III: Thursday, October 23 - 26, 2025, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.
Module IV: Friday - Sunday, January 23-25, 2026, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.

March 2026/27 Dates:
Module I: Sunday, March 15 - 22, 2026, starting at 2:30 p.m./ending at 12:30 p.m.
Module II: Wednesday, June 17 - 21, 2026, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.
Module III: Thursday, September 17 - 20, 2026, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.
Module IV: Friday - Sunday, January 22-24, 2027, starting at 14:30/ending at 12:30.

Training fees

• Als Einmalzahlung: 4.499 €, inkl. MwSt. 
• Als monatl. Ratenzahlung: 9 x 520 € , inkl. MwSt. (4.680 € insgesamt)

Sonderpreis für ehemalige Flowkur Gäste:
• Als Einmalzahlung: 4.099 €, inkl. MwSt. 
• Als monatl. Ratenzahlung: 9 x 475 € , inkl. MwSt. (4.276 € insgesamt)

Registration, payment & bonus
You can contact us by phone or e-mail at info@humanflow.de register. We will then send you a confirmation with the registration form and a request for payment. Please complete and sign the registration form and email it to us together with the training contract. 

Additional costs
Verpflegung ist nicht in der Kursgebühr enthalten. Vegetarisches Mitagessen u. Seminarpauschale ab 35,- €/ Tag. Kalte, warme Getränke, Tees, Cappuccino, Snacks, leckerer Kuchen, etc. stehen tagsüber zur Verfügung. Frühstück und Abendessen sind optional, außer im Modul III, bei dem sie zum Standard gehören.

If you are interested in more information, please call us at +49-7634-5949773 or get in touch with us via our Contact form.

About the Academy

Academy for Vertical Living: We offer programs for self-explorers in search of more depth and reality with a focus on mental health, awareness and living life. Within this framework, the Academy offers further training, congresses and trips. Almost 200 people have taken part in the HumanFlow Coach training so far. 

Course management

Falk Mieschendahl: Over the past 17 years, the HumanFlow method has evolved from a personal key moment, his own depression and his psychotherapeutic experience with over 2000 different people, from priests and doctors to mothers and CEOs. For over 10 years, Falk has been imparting applied knowledge in further training courses on how to prevent and help with various mental disorders, how to increase vitality and how to avoid typical coaching mistakes. 

Angelica Mieschendahl: As a long-time meditator, self-researcher, mother, trained yin yoga teacher, HF coach and certified biologist, Angelica is an experienced expert in meditation, mindful yoga and self-compassion practice. Her special skill lies in accompanying people who are in the midst of life but have had little or no experience with spiritual practice, opening up new approaches. 

Any further questions?

Are you interested but still have questions? Then give us a call on +49 (0)7634-5949773 and arrange an appointment.

To the registration

Call us on +49-7634-5949773 and send us an e-mail to info@humanflow.de.

Next start of training:
27. April, 2025
Request training
Free of charge & without obligation


Questions we are frequently asked

If you are interested in more information, please call us at +49-7634-5949773 or get in touch with us via our Contact form.