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Institute for better living

Treating overload & burnout
Mindfully strengthen self-reference
Developing silent awareness

What former guests say

  • With you I learned "Let go. Let go again and again!"

    Manuela S.-B.
  • The whole thing takes place in such a warm and pleasant setting that you simply feel accepted and allowed to be who you are.

    Dagmar O.
  • My meeting with the Human Flow team was the beginning of a lasting change in my life - the start of a journey of exploration. 

    Nicole W.
  • The peace, relaxation, serenity and, above all, the mindfulness I felt did me a world of good and help me in my everyday life. 

    Erik E.
  • Here I found the key to a door that I didn't even know existed before. This has completely changed my life and my view of it - very positively. 

    Elke N.
  • This place is an oasis to recharge your batteries and rethink. 

    Christian F.
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Less tightness, more flow with HumanFlow

HumanFlow serves one purpose: to accompany people on their path to natural flow, hence the name: Human Flow.

Many people who originally come to us have lost themselves in negative thought loops, stressful beliefs or excessive performance requirements. Many are burnt out and no longer centered. They are looking for psycho-emotional healing, time out, refuge and inner balance. Some are simply stuck in the old without any particular need, but long for personal development and growth. What they all have in common is that they are open to new things and are willing to think outside the box. They want to explore their own inner space. We support them in this.

At HumanFlow, we offer therapy, compact cures, courses, retreats and further training for this purpose. We build bridges between the surface and the depths. We motivate people to take a closer look, to become quieter and to get to know themselves better - step by step. This path not only leads to greater self-knowledge, awareness and vitality, but also enables people to discover their own basic trust and self-worth.

Do you also need change or healing? Then discover HumanFlow. Over 2000 people have already taken the step. Start your journey back to your natural flow.

Reserve here a consultation.

You can't be conscious and unhappy at the same time.
Eckhart Tolle
"It is Falk's authenticity, his personal experiences and his vast knowledge that have found their way into this valuable book."
Ralph Skuban - Foreword
Order HumanFlow book here >>>
9783861910701 de
"Since 2006, we have been building walk-in bridges for people on their personal path from inner constriction and noise back to their natural flow, self-reference and basic trust. "

That's what our guests say:

  • I was the first patient after Corona in June and came to Badenweiler after pain therapy to find out whether it was possible to get rid of the restlessness and many thoughts in my head and my tense body in just one week. I can only confirm all the positive reviews. Falk Mieschendahl has the gift and experience to lead people to their core, to find and feel themselves and to learn what is useful and what is not in a short time, through great empathy, dedication and sincere cordiality. Through Angelica, with her great knowledge, her profoundness and equally warm, empathetic manner, I was able to experience what yoga and meditation can do. A puzzle has come together for me. Through the daily intensive work and regular massages, my body and mind were able to regroup. I am amazed at how much dedication, heart, brain and warmth these people really put into helping others. It is a great joy to know that there are such benevolent people out there. The "tools" you get with them work for your time at home. Falk's book is also a help to me, as I was able to experience many exercises and they are in the book with me like a log. Attending the humanflow institute is a great enrichment. Thank you

    Antje H.
  • A wonderful institute with very caring, individual support during your stay. For anyone who needs to "get back on their feet" quickly, you can find out within a week where the causes of burnout lie and what you need to change in the short and long term. In addition to very good psychological support from experts, there is also the opportunity to achieve physical health through special offers regarding food intolerances and your own lifestyle. My absolute recommendation for all people who feel burnt out and unhappy!

    Andrea N.
  • The HumanFlow Centre is a wonderful oasis that offers the opportunity to nourish yourself, to love, to appreciate and to recognize who you really are. Deep insights are possible and provide the breeding ground for sustainable change. Helpful tools are passed on in a practical way, which provide further support for implementation in everyday life at home.

    Falk and Angelica welcomed me as a spontaneous guest with open arms and accompanied me competently and lovingly. They were a magical safety net for me that the universe sent me at a tangibly difficult and uncertain time ????❤️

    Today, it is with great pleasure and gratitude that I pass on the experience I have gained and the valuable principles I have learned and integrated to other people, especially women.

    Kristina S.
  • I was once again with Falk, Angelica and the whole team for prevention and, as always, it was incredibly beneficial. The peace, relaxation, serenity and, above all, the mindfulness I felt did me the world of good again and help me in my everyday life. It is always very nice and above all tangible to be with you and I would love to come back. Best regards Erik

  • You arrive at the Humanflow Institute (perhaps - like many - at a personal low point) and you immediately feel that you are safe. It's like arriving in a beautiful place - and when you leave again, you've found yourself, regained your self-confidence and have the confidence to feel self-love again. This was my experience of the flow cure and the HF seminars I attended. Humanflow offers a way to find inner peace and healing. My later training as a Humanflow coach was a wonderful deepening for myself and for my work with clients. Gerlinde from K.

    Geli K.
  • This place is an oasis to recharge your batteries and rethink. If you are suffering from exhaustion, if life has become difficult, you will find people here who will help you get back on your feet with a great deal of knowledge, empathy and experience. And in a remarkably short time. Just pick up the phone and call without obligation. There is a way for you! Take the first step!

  • You can find many more reviews from our guests in our Google entry (the link opens in a new tab):

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